The Original Mickey Mouse Is Now in the Public Domain, and He’s Already Causing Havoc in ‘Mickey’s Mouse Trap’

It would take a psychiatrist to analyze why we seem to want to turn all our beloved childhood characters into bloodthirsty killers. After watching Winne the Pooh go on a murderous rampage, next on the roster is Mickey Mouse in Mickey’s Mouse Trap. Oh boy.

Dropped on the first day that the iconic 1928 cartoon short Steamboat Willie entered the public domain—January 1, 2024—the trailer for Mickey’s Mouse Trap shows the old-timey Mickey Mouse character in a less child-friendly genre. The slasher/horror film features good ol’ Mickey as the killer, or at least someone wearing a Mickey Mouse mask.

Many of us loved House of Mouse and the many other iterations of the character from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Mickey Mouse Funhouse, but this is one funhouse that you don’t want to be trapped in with the usually happy-go-lucky Disney mascot. The film’s synopsis reads:

“It’s Alex’s 21st Birthday, but she’s stuck at the amusement arcade on a late shift so her friends decide to surprise her, but a masked killer dressed as Mickey Mouse decides to play a game of his own with them which she must survive.”

via Deadline

 Mickey’s Mouse Trap was directed by Jamie Bailey, who said in a statement: “We just wanted to have fun with it all. I mean it’s Steamboat Willie‘s Mickey Mouse murdering people. It’s ridiculous. We ran with it and had fun doing it and I think it shows.”

Disney has tried to hold on to the mouse to keep him safe from just this for years. The extremely litigious company has gone after anyone who tried to misuse the character in the past, even getting a childcare center in Florida to remove their unofficial Minnie Mouse mural. It has held the tightest of grips on the character so synonymous with its company, pushing for the copyright to be extended on two occasions.

The copyright was initially set to expire in 1984, but Disney lobbied to change copyright law in the U.S. to life of the author plus 50 years. This then gave Disney to 2003, when it pushed once again for the life of the author plus 70 years, bringing us to January 1, 2024. Only the earliest iteration of Mickey, the one seen in Steamboat Willie, has entered the public domain, though—Mickey as we know him today still belongs to the House of Mouse.

The film’s trailer even makes sure to let people know that its use of the character is now legal, as it contains this disclaimer:

“THIS IS NOT NOT A DISNEY FILM OR PRODUCTION. IT IS NOT TO AFFILIATED OR ENDORSED BY DISNEY IN ANY WAY. This film makes use of Public domain Steam Boat Willie Mickey Mouse only. Steamboat Willie’s Mickey Mouse entered public domain on January 1st 2024. No copyright infringement of later versions of Mickey Mouse or trademark infringements.”


 Mickey’s Mouse Trap is not the only venture to take advantage of the newly public Mickey. Now that Mickey is no longer protected by the company, others have used him for their own gruesome projects. On the same day as the above trailer was released, video game developer Nightmare Forge also posted a trailer for its game, Infestation 88, where you are hunted by Steamboat Willie in a warehouse.

The cast of Mickey’s Mouse Trap includes Sophie McIntosh, Callum Sywyk, Allegra Nocita, Ben Harris, Damir Kovic, Mackenzie Mills, Nick Biskupek, and Simon Phillips—Phillips posted the trailer. The film is a Bailey Phillips Production and is produced by Paul Whitney, Mark Popejoy, Alexander Gausman, and Andrew Agopsowicz. In just one day, the trailer raked in over 85,000 views.

t appears that the producers aiming for a March release, though there is no clear release date at the time of writing.

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